Children's Ministry


Bonavista Baptist Kids ///

Who We Are 

Bonavista Baptist is committed to providing a safe and fun place for your children to connect with their leaders and other children as we learn about God together! All leaders and helpers within Children’s Ministry have gone through proper Plan to Protect training and have valid record checks.

When and Where? 

Sunday Mornings 

We are currently offering a joint K-6 kids time in our Children’s Ministry area during the Sunday morning service. This is a time of crazy fun games, worship, connection, and learning about God with peers and leaders.

Nursery – Pre-School care is also provided Sunday mornings during the worship service.

If you are unable to join us in person, RightNow Media is a great resource to grow together with your children at home! You can sign up for an account through Bonavista Baptist at the link below.

RightNow Media Sign Up

What Are We Learning About?

THROWBACK: A 4-Week Series from the Gospels on Jesus’ Teachings.

BIBLE VERSE:  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)


From retro toys to fashion trends, we all love a good throwback. (Especially for grown-ups because it reminds us of being young again.) There are things that remind us of a moment in time, but other things feel timeless and like they’re always in style. In this four-week series, kids will travel through the decades and see that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels are always trending. As we hear from Jesus, we’ll see it’s always good to be humble, we can always forgive, Jesus is always fair, and love always needs action.